Back Transversal Areas of Analysis. The Quality Compas

Among the tools of reference, there are some transversal axes which help us to carry out the projects and evaluations. The main recommended reference is Quality Compass.

Quality Compass is one of the methodological reference tools used by AVALUEM. It was created by Groupe URD (Urgènce, Réhabilitation et Développement), a French organization, to guide a project through every phase of its cycle. The methodology proposes a list of key questions each of which corresponds to a criterion of quality which constitutes a system of safety for project management. This system is applied to the evaluation process as well.

The twelve criteria that define the quality of a project are centred on crisis-affected populations and their context:

  • Criterion A. The project responds to a demonstrated need
  • Criterion B. The project achieves its objective
  • Criterion C. The project eliminates or reduces the risk of negative impacts
  • Criterion D. The project aims at positive impacts beyond implementation
  • Criterion E. The project is consistent with the mandate and principles of the organization
  • Criterion F. The project respects the population
  • Criterion G. The project is flexible
  • Criterion H. The project is integrated in its institutional context in an optimal manner
  • Criterion I. The stakeholder has the necessary resources and assessment
  • Criterion J. The stakeholder has the appropriate management capacity
  • Criterion K. The stakeholder makes optimal use of resources
  • Criterion L. The stakeholder uses lessons drawn from experience

AVALUEM, anàlisi i desenvolupament. Rocafort, 242 bis, 3r pis - 08029 - Barcelona. Tel. 93 322 17 36 - 606 995 623 |