Back Evaluations

Avaluem evaluates projects, programmes or plans of cooperation for development both in the field and in the main offices. In evaluating, we look for learned lessons and good practises which will help in carrying out next activities.

Avaluem carries out various types of evaluations:

  • Ex-ante evaluation. Evaluation carried out before the start of the project with a view to establishing the starting conditions where the intervention is planned and comparing them with the situation after the intervention.
  • Mid-term evaluation. Evaluation carried out during the implementation process of the project, when activities are not fully implemented. This is done in order to assess its implementation, impacts, and redirect them if necessary.
  • Final or End-of-project evaluation. Evaluation carried out after the end of the project in order to analyze the results obtained in relation to resources and beneficiaries, and so compare them with those originally planned.
  • Ex-post evaluation. Evaluation done after some years of the end of the project with a view to analysing the real impact on the target population and environment.


The areas of our work include:

  • Cooperation for development
  • Education for development
  • Projects of co-development
  • Awareness campaigns

AVALUEM, anàlisi i desenvolupament. Rocafort, 242 bis, 3r pis - 08029 - Barcelona. Tel. 93 322 17 36 - 606 995 623 |